The first temple to be built in Tamil Nadu is the Beach Temple in Mahaballapuram. The temple was built by Pallavamanan Rajasimman alias randam Narasimhavarman in 700-728 AD. The temple is forty-five feet tall and is one of the four ancient forts in the temple. The temple is considered as one of the most important shrines of the tamil sculpture traditions in South India.
The Shiva lingam and the shrine for Vishnu are also present in the temple. Another highlight is the presence of all the traditions of vegetarianism and Vaishnava. the bricks found in the temple are similar to the bricks used in the Sangam age of Pukar, Uraiyur, mankodi and Arikamedu.
There is a temple in the sphere where the Tirumal lies on the beach. On either side of it are two Shiva temples built on the east and west sides. The temple to the east is taller and the five-storied tower is unbroken. The temple to the west consists of a small, three-storeyed tower.
The temple is said to be a precursor to the temple built in South india. Various stones were cut and stacked on top of one another at the beach at Mamallapuram. the temple was declared as a world Heritage Site in 1984.Today, besides the coastal temple at Mamallapuram, six other temples have sunk into the sea. Beneath those sculptures lies a small lingam.
FROM 6:00am to 6:00pm
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